To help you understand why we have chosen to support our charity of choice, The James Hopkins Trust, we’ve shared the wonderfully bright face of one our greatest fans and some background, please read it.

All good causes are there to help those in need and our charity is no more deserving than any other great cause out there. SouthAmDram Group (that’s us) is group of local people with local lives and families – so supporting a local charity that works with children was a no brainer.
The cast and crew of this pantomime, many of whom are children, are giving up their personal time and a lot of it, to ensure that we put on as good a show as we can, to justify your ticket and support. Please understand, we’re not saints, you only need see some of the language we’ve had to remove from the script to know that (sic), but we do have a good laugh whilst making this. We give very little compared to the work of our chosen charity.
James Hopkins Trust was established just over 30 years ago, and has been providing incredibly important respite care for babies, children and their families to the age of 5 who have a life limiting or life threatening condition and in the process supporting the families of those children. In fact, they currently help over 100, all in our own county, Gloucestershire.
Over the last 30 years, James Hopkins Trust has supported in excess of 500 children, along with their families, throughout Gloucestershire. They offer free nursing respite, night or day, in either the homes of the children or at their purpose built multi-sensory respite centre and gardens named Kites Corner.
Kites Corner is filled with love and laughter, and is a place where very special and long lasting memories are created. James Hopkins Trust have dedicated themselves to facilitating that.
As well as the funds we raise for James Hopkins Trust, we also donate a number of seats at each performance for the families. This provides the families with an experience they can treasure. One of the children, Dylan, still has the beanstalk from our 2017 production of Jack and the Beanstalk in his bedroom.
The snacks, Ice Cream, raffle tickets and anything else that you purchase or donate on the night, along with your own enthusiastic ‘he’s behind you’ performance will make SouthAmDram’s Wizard of Gloz 2020 a success and raise as much money as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read this – if you feel like we do, that this is indeed a worthy cause, please share this page with your friends and family via social media. It’s gonna be a sell out.
Please visit the website of James Hopkins Trust if you would like to learn more about them.